How Can I Play Jackpot Lotterie? mes In the US, when purchasing tickets you can choose a series of numbers and win anything from $1 up to and including the jackpot prize value. Your prize increases as you purchase more tickets; additionally you can purchase “Fast Play” tickets that contribute between 10%-100% of the jackpot prize value.

If you win, there are two options for claiming it – at either where you purchased your ticket, or visiting the state lottery office. Each state varies slightly in its procedure but usually involves showing your ticket and filling out a form to claim the prize. Please remember that Powerball tickets do have an expiration date which limits when and how soon you can present it for claim of prizes.

The Jackpocket app makes choosing your lottery game and numbers, placing an order, viewing your ticket, and collecting winnings all easy and secure on mobile device. Perfect for Powerball, Mega Millions or state lotteries alike; real-time results updates as well as notifications when jackpots reach certain thresholds ensure no missed opportunities to win!